5月6日9:30am~11:30am是我们第二学期的开课日,同时也是庆祝母亲节活动,欢迎家长和小孩都来参与。愿恩惠平安, 从 神我们的父, 並主耶稣基督, 归与你们!(腓:1:2)
5月6日9:30am~11:30am是我们第二学期的开课日,同时也是庆祝母亲节活动,欢迎家长和小孩都来参与。愿恩惠平安, 从 神我们的父, 並主耶稣基督, 归与你们!(腓:1:2)
Dear parents,
welcome back to our playgroup, term 2 will start on 6th,May,2011,9:30am, we will have our celebration of Mother's Day.
welcome back to our playgroup, term 2 will start on 6th,May,2011,9:30am, we will have our celebration of Mother's Day.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Phillipians:1:2)