
Happy Chinese Valentine's Day

第1学期 11/2 ~ 15/4/11,第 2学期 6/5/~15/7/11
第3 学期 5/8~ 7/10/11, 第4 学期 21/10 ~ 9/12/11

2nd Day of Term 1 , we had a celebration of Chinese Valentine's day, its the first full moon of Chinese New Year. the last day of our term 1 will be 15th, April, 2011
term 2: 6/May -- 15/July,
Term3 : 5/Aug -- 7/Oct,
term 4: 21/Oct -- 9/Dec/11


Activities of Feb,2011,新学期 欢迎你!!!

各位家长 Dear parents:
11.2.2011 is the first day of our term 1, next Friday 18/2
will be our celebration for Chinese New Year first full moon,
and this is also Day of Chinese Valentine. hope to see you again this day.
2月11日是我们今年第1学期的第1天, 下周我们将会有庆祝元宵节活动.
期待着与你再见. 并祝愿你和你的孩子们都得到美好的学习和游乐时间.